Hair loss and itchy scalp

An increase in scalp sensitivity and the onset of itching are not uncommon in cases of hair loss. How can this link be explained? What are the other scalp pathologies that trigger itching and can complicate the diagnosis? Let's take a look.



When hair loss is accompanied by an itchy scalp

An itchy scalp during hair loss is frequently observed, especially in cases of androgenetic alopecia. This symptom of hair loss is explained by the inflammation that can occur around the hair follicles, under the influence of androgen hormones. This is known as micro-inflammation as it is not visible and does not cause redness or dandruff, but it does cause itching. Over time, this micro-inflammation damages the structure of the follicles and worsens hair loss.

What diseases cause hair loss and itchy scalp?

Itchy scalp and hair loss are not necessarily linked. An irritated scalp during hair loss should be investigated for other common scalp conditions:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, which is characterized by redness covered with white or yellowish dandruff, and by severe itching. In men with androgenetic alopecia, hair loss and seborrheic dermatitis are often associated.
  • Scalp psoriasis, which is a chronic inflammatory disease manifested by the appearance of thick red plaques or plaques topped with white dandruff.

How to treat an itchy scalp?

Itchy scalp is very annoying on a daily basis. The goal is to identify the cause as soon as possible and treat it to reduce itching.
An itchy scalp is above all a sensitive scalp. Simple steps in your daily hair care routine can help soothe itchy scalp:

  • Choose shampoo and care formulas with a minimum of ingredients, that are hypoallergenic and free of alcohol or other substances that irritate the scalp.
  • Choose care products enriched with anti-itching ingredients for optimal efficacy on itchy scalp, which you can alternate with your anti-hair loss shampoo.
  • Rinse the shampoo thoroughly and let your hair air dry whenever possible, or place the hair dryer at a safe distance, never on its hottest setting.
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