Why does skin become dry with age?

Your skin type can change as you age... Skin tends to become less comfortable and supple over time. All the more reason to stay vigilant.
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  • why-does-skin-become-dry-with-age-ictyane
As the years go by, signs of dryness become more common and more easily visible. With age, skin can even become rough and fragile. 

                                                                                                     SKIN YOUNG                                     SURFACE WRINKLES, LOSS OF ELASTICITY                  WRINKLE : WEAKENING OF THE DERMIS,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LOSS OF DENSITY


Why does our skin become drier with age?

As we age, our metabolism slows, our skin cells regenerate more slowly and less effectively, and our sebaceous gland activity is reduced.
This leads to thinner and more fragile skin. The skin’s hydrolipidic film is no longer able to fully perform its barrier role, and it is less effective at retaining the water naturally found in the epidermis.
The result: the skin changes and becomes drier. In addition to this skin aging phenomenon, hormonal changes set in when we enter our 50s.
The drop in estrogen levels during menopause is directly linked to a lower production of elastin and collagen fibers.
This chain reaction ultimately leads to an altered skin barrier and increased skin dryness which can affect all skin types.

Is the environment an aggravating factor?

The sun, cold temperatures and the wind can damage the skin. You must, therefore, take extra precautions as you age.
If you didn’t have dry skin in your youth, and have yet to develop habits to protect your skin, you must start doing so when you hit your 30s.
In fact, from the age of 30 onwards, our skin begins to change, and the skin’s functions become altered. You must adapt your routine to meet your skin’s needs and restore its suppleness and comfort.
Sun cream is a must for both your summer and winter skin care.
Some tend to forget, but even in cold weather, those UV rays can still wreak havoc on your skin.

Sun                           Cold temperatures                     Wind


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