Dandruff and stress

Many factors can influence and trigger dandruff formation. These include stress, pollution, wearing a helmet, using unsuitable products, repeated hair-greasing actions and an unbalanced lifestyle. But there are solutions for more effectively managing stress and preventing the development of dandruff.



Factors causing cutaneous stress

There are many sources of internal and external stress, which can affect the permeability of the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the skin, the layer that is in contact with the exterior. This layer is protected by a hydrolipidic film and plays a crucial role in not only maintaining correct skin hydration but also protecting it from external aggressions.

When the permeability of this layer is damaged, this creates an imbalance at the surface.

  • Either the layer is much less permeable, and oil accumulates at the surface, which is the case when wearing a motorcycle helmet for example. The scalp becomes oily, potentially resulting in the formation of oily dandruff.
  • Or the layer is more permeable and the scalp becomes dehydrated and dry, which can lead to desquamation and the formation of dry dandruff.

Stress and dandruff

It can be difficult and guilt-provoking to hear that the only cause of dandruff is stress. But fortunately there are solutions. There are lots of methods, including sophrology for example, for helping to deal with periods of intense stress.
It is important to understand where the dandruff comes from and the external factors that cause it. Because once you know the right treatment for you, and know how to spot the warning signs of a flare-up, you will be able to establish an intensive treatment using appropriate shampoos.

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