Medicinal treatments for hair loss

In order to fight against hair loss, and when the pathology requires it, dermatologists can prescribe certain medicinal treatments. Their use requires, however, a specific supervised framework. So, is there a miracle anti-hair loss medicine? Find the answer here.



What anti-hair loss medicines are out there?

From among the various types of hair loss, the main ones are acute or chronic telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia and age-induced alopecia. All are hair conditions involving different physio-pathological mechanisms and adapted treatments.

There is no miracle cure for hair loss. Before prescribing a medication, your healthcare professional will always start by recommending lifestyle changes and incorporating specially formulated primary and complementary hair care products. Then, to provide the hair follicle with essential vitamins and minerals, food supplements adapted specifically to hair loss can be an effective complementary therapeutic option thanks to their key role in the hair’s physiology. However, their action is limited to androgenetic alopecia.

To date, only two types of alopecia medicines are approved for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia: minoxidil and finasteride (an anti-androgen medication prescribed to men only). They are prescribed by the dermatologist in response to various needs and expectations.

Hair loss and medicinal treatment: what are the results?

  • The minoxidil molecule is used in the lotion. Originally, its vasodilating properties were used to treat high blood pressure. Then, doctors noticed that, in some patients, it caused their hair to grow back. Its concentration—2% or 5% depending on the lotion—stops hair loss effectively in two-thirds of cases, after 3 months of daily application, with visible regrowth appearing after six months in 35% of patients*. This medicine for hair loss can be used by men and women.
  • The finasteride molecule is used in the oral tablets. It was used originally to treat prostate problems. By reducing male hormone levels in the hair follicle, the molecule help stops hair loss in 83% of patients, after six months of treatment, and enables hair to grow back in 66% of cases after two years**. This medicine for hair loss in men is contraindicated for women.
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