SQUANORM – Dry and oily dandruff

Dry or oily dandruff? With or without itching? As there are two types of dandruff, the SQUANORM range has been specially designed to meet these two specific needs. The range offers a dry dandruff shampoo and an oily dandruff shampoo that effectively remove dandruff, as well as a lotion to be used in the case of intense itching.

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Take your diagnostic test

Take your diagnostic test

Do you have plaques, dandruff, redness or itching on the scalp? Take your diagnostic test to find the right care routine for your type of dandruff.

My diagnostic test
Learn more about dry and oily dandruff
Learn more about dry and oily dandruff

When should I use the SQUANORM range?

How can I tell the difference between dry and oily dandruff?

Do you have fine, flaky dandruff combined with a dry scalp? Does your scalp feel itchy? This is dry dandruff, related to the excessive proliferation of scalp cells. 
Do you have larger clumps of dandruff that stick to the hair, with an oily scalp and possibly, itching? This is oily dandruff
For each dandruff condition, a suitable response is necessary in order to eliminate dandruff more effectively  

What can I do to treat dry dandruff?

In order to get rid of dry dandruff, it is necessary to use a special shampoo that acts on all the factors responsible for its appearance: this is the case with the SQUANORM treatment shampoo for dry dandruff, thanks to its purifying and keratoreducing action (promoting the elimination of dead cells that clump together). In case of intense itching, we recommend using the SQUANORM anti-dandruff zinc lotion.

Discover the anti-dandruff routine for dry dandruff

What can I do to treat oily dandruff?

In order to get rid of oily dandruff, you need to use a special shampoo that acts on all the factors responsible for its appearance: this is the case for the SQUANORM oily dandruff treatment shampoo, thanks to its sebum-reducing (absorbs and regulates excess sebum on the scalp), cleansing and keratoreducing (promoting the elimination of dead cells that clump together) actions. In case of intense itching, we recommend using the SQUANORM anti-dandruff zinc lotion.


Discover the anti-dandruff routine for oily dandruff

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