tching on the back and neck

Back pruritus is a problem. Indeed, the back is a part of the body that is difficult to reach and that we cannot see directly. When you have an itchy back, the itching sensations on the back can be very intense and it can be hard to stop scratching because you can't see the extent of the damage caused by the scratching. The same applies to itching on the neck. On the other hand, an itchy neck is much more noticeable and visible. Be careful, the skin in this area is thin and sensitive, like that of the face.

Why do my back and neck itch?

In general, it is possible to have itching all over the body. The major causes of pruritus are:
  • Dermatological: pruritic skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis. 
  • Non dermatological: pruritus sine materia, without any skin lesions that could explain it. Among these are types of systemic pruritus, due to a non-dermatological disease such as diabetes; liver, kidney or thyroid diseases; neurological pruritus, due to a nerve damage; psychogenic pruritus, whose cause is purely psychological; senile pruritus, specifically affecting the elderly; drug-induced pruritus, due to medication taken systemically; pruritus gravidarum, affecting pregnant women throughout pregnancy; etc.
Itching on the back and neck can be explained by any of these categories. However, certain dermatological and non-dermatological conditions are more commonly associated with itching on the back and neck. 

Regarding itching on the back, dermatological diseases such as psoriasis on the back and back acne can be associated with lesions on the back. Psoriasis mainly affects the lower back and lumbar region while acne usually affects the upper back and shoulders. Psoriasis can also occur on the scalp, resulting in an itchy neck. 

Itching on the neck is sometimes the result of childhood eczema (eczema of the skin folds) or eczema in adults ("head and neck" eczema).
In the absence of lesions, all types of pruritus sine materia should be considered.  

At the same time, it is important to remember that various environmental factors can influence the skin and promote itching on the back and neck:
  • Hard water or water that is too hot.
  • The neck is exposed to weather conditions such as wind and cold.
  • The back is exposed to perspiration which can promote pruritus.
  • Stress is an aggravating factor in itching on the back and neck.
  • Clothes can also play a role in the appearance of itching on the back and neck: clothes that are too tight, synthetic materials, labels, turtlenecks, woolen scarves, etc. 
  • Unsuitable hygiene and skin care products: in particular, all of the hair products that can run down the back and neck when rinsing. 

How can you relieve itching on the back or neck?

In cases of itching on the back and neck, a medical consultation is advisable in order to find the cause of the pruritus and to set up an adapted treatment. 

In addition, plan a few changes to your daily routine to limit itching on the back and neck:
  • Take quick, warm showers. Wash with a superfatted soap, a syndet or a soothing cleansing oil. Rinse and dry the skin well by gently dabbing with a soft cotton towel. For the back, get help if needed.
  • Apply an anti-itching cream generously once or several times a day depending on your needs and the intensity of the itching on the back and neck. Again, consider asking for help to reach the entire back.
  • Choose hypoallergenic hair products to avoid itching on the back and neck.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing made of natural materials. Remember to cut off all tags and avoid wearing wool against your skin.

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